Writing does not come natural to me and I don’t know what to add to the topic as there is so much to write about that I feel hopeless. For instance I learned this image was removed yesterday from Instagram on the new @boysfineart page even after appeal. They have already had their original @queer_art_photography account completely removed. The absurdity and frustration has reached new heights. When I wrote my public letter back in 2017 I was fueled with energy to help make change. I honestly believed artists working with the body would find a way to coexist in the mainstream social media world but it is far worse now. I have seen movements come and go that have attempted to challenge the Facebook/Meta dictatorship to no avail. We are backed into a corner with little hope of making it out. I know change takes (a lot of) time but how many artists will not stick around to weather the storm? What will be left on these platforms without challenging art?