Andy Lime

Medium: Sculpture and drawing

Censored by: Instagram

Was there a notification of removal and if so what was the reason given?: When I look at my account status, it says that my account can't be recommended to non followers because my posts go against community guideline regarding nudity.

What date were you censored?: December 10, 2023

Were you given an opportunity to appeal? If so, did you appeal and what was the response?: I have appealed multiple times, but every time I do, it only seems to shadowban more posts. I also tried changing my age setting to 18+ and that seems to have made it worse.

What have the consequences been for you because of this removal? Please describe in best detail.: I am a queer small business and being shadowbanned has affected my growth and sales and ability to connect with my community on a wider scale. Lately it seems as though, even the people who follow me don't see my posts. I create art that is meant to be inclusive to everyone. I depict different body types and different genitalia, such vaginas, intersex, penis, and bottom growth from HRT. Some of the most meaningful interactions I have with other people are when someone excitedly references one of my pieces and says "That one looks like me!" or "I don't usually see my type of genitalia represented" and that's one of the reasons I continue to make this work is because it makes me so happy that someone could connect and feel seen through my art. It is both financially and emotionally damaging to feel that I am being censored from the people that my art is meant for.

Please write additional comments: Art should not be censored. I have been shadowbanned many times at this point and I have seen other artists that lose their accounts. I am constantly anxious that my account and access to community will be taken away. I live in a small town and the internet is where I find community.

Your website:

Your Instagram: http://planetlimesugar


John Sheridan


Gala Garrido